Kesha Kent, BA, MAOL
Speaker | Recruitment | Diversity
Networking, It’s Your Superpower
by Kesha Kent, BA, MAOL
My long awaited book is available. Order your copy today!
My Mission
What are people saying?
I wasn't sure what to think when I sat in on Kesha's latest talk at Venture Cafe, but I came out of the session with a renewed sense of dedication to networking. Kesha has inspired me to actively network again, and the benefits are already paying off both professionally and in my personal life. I can't recommend her talks enough!
Christopher Sotraidis
Support Technician/Audio Engineer
Kesha’s positive energy follows her from room to room. She has a passion for helping others! When we had an immediate need for a specialized highly skilled report writer, Kesha was able to think outside the box and find the perfect candidate. The market was saturated with the same types of jobs and there were hardly any candidates available with the skill set needed. Kesha was able to negotiate and close the deal anyway! The candidate not only had the skills necessary but hit the ground running immediately and began clearing a backlog of report requests.
Matthew Maddox
President, Global Data Services LLC
Kesha’s a dynamic ball of energy who showers lightning bolts of enthusiasm to her audience, empowering participants with insights, techniques and the motivation as to how to build powerful networks in order to move one forward both professionally and in life. Plug in and recharge, she's the real deal!
Paul Barbercheck
Owner, PB Designs
I met Kesha Kent during the Focus St. Louis CORO Women in Leadership program, where she immediately stood out as a natural leader and communicator. Kesha is an amazing networker who has a special gift for connecting with people. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and she has the exceptional ability to make people feel at ease and empowered at the same time.
Sandra Sullivan
Marketing Director
I wasn't sure what to think when I sat in on Kesha's latest talk at Venture Cafe, but I came out of the session with a renewed sense of dedication to networking. Kesha has inspired me to actively network again, and the benefits are already paying off both professionally and in my personal life. I can't recommend her talks enough! Kesha Kent is such a tremendous force! I've had the pleasure of knowing her for several years and am so excited to watch her evolve, grow, and now, expand her reach to others through speaking.
Bernie Frazier
SPHR, Career Compass, LLC
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